

mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Magnus interviewé par téléphone pour le PPV ONO Wolrd Cup Tournament !

Source: TNAsylum, rédacteur Alex Barie.

Voici le résumé anglais proposé sur le site:

- Magnus talked about today's crowd reactions. He sidestepped a possible heel turn and said anything can happen between now and the UK Tour.

- Magnus described 2012 as his milestone year and 2013 as his breakout year. He said the company gave him plenty of opportunities to be in the spotlight this year. He does see himself becoming the TNA World Champion heading into the UK Tour. He has to look at it that way to succeed.

- Magnus is really excited that the One Night Only PPVs are coming to England. He put over the One Night Only concept because the fans get to see matches they haven't seen before.

- Magnus said that it is better if the entire roster has to be aware of the overall direction of TNA from the people in charge. It is more clear now than ever.

- Magnus said he can't avoid the discussions of how the company is doing internally, but they have to go out there and give it their best. They had all performed in front of 50 people for $20. There is a time when you have to block out all of the negativity and just be a wrestler.

- Magnus said he is very happy with his career in 2013 and he is excited to see how the year ends for him. He praised his match with AJ Styles in the finals of the BFG Series and then his match with Sting was something that doesn't come by often.

- Magnus said if he isn't World Champion by the end of 2014, then something would have gone wrong. However, everything changes in this business.

- Magnus said he has a lot of affection and gratitude towards Doug Williams and Rob Terry. He credits Doug for helping him early in his career. Magnus said he proposed a match between him and Doug Williams for the TNA World Title before.

- Magnus said he is always thinking about the company and is probably driving the office nuts. He gives them ideas to raise their revenue and increase their market share in a particular area.

- Magnus said the World Cup PPV was a lot of fun. It was great seeing some people on that show. It was a great spirit of competition from one another.

- Magnus said it was a different situation when you compare Sting vs. Ric Flair and Sting vs. Magnus. Flair was champion while the story between Magnus and Sting was about "winning" and establishing himself. Magnus thinks Sting gave him the stamp of approval in that match at Bound For Glory. Sting always told him privately that he deserves it.

- Magnus said that factions in the business will always be a tool to showcase everyone in a certain period of time. It gives them more creativity. The Main Event Mafia has been his favorite so far. He enjoyed doing the Mafia entrance with the suit and the strut alongside the huge names.

- Magnus said holding the Ring Ka King championship in India meant a lot to him. It was a TNA division/company and Jeff Jarrett put his faith in him to carry the belt.

- Magnus said wrestling Kurt Angle was a milestone in his career. He also would have liked to face Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels if he had the chance.

- Magnus is actually excited to be back at Universal Studios and is looking forward to what they will do there in the future.

- Magnus said he is brushing up on his French and studying a new language in his spare time. He's also doing some foreign exchange stuff in the marketplace.

- Magnus is flattered that people call him "the future of the business", but he can't think about the future as he needs to think of what is going on right now.

- Magnus said the fans have forgotten how to be fans. They worry too much about other things and they just need to watch the show and enjoy it.

- Magnus said he would like to win the title at Wembley Arena but winning it is just as great wherever it happens. He wants to make sure "if" it happens that he "can do well with it."

- Magnus said he does follow Wade Barett's career and they actually went to wrestling school together. They throw texts to each other every now and then. He also met up with Sheamus and Drew McIntyre a couple weeks ago.

- Magnus said the fans want to know who is in charge and who is running the show. They want to see how that person in charge is. He brought up Simon Cowell and Dixie Carter as examples. He said it's not just about the backstage stuff, but about the stars in front of the camera as well.

- Magnus said it is natural to have Dixie Carter be on the show as long as it makes sense. He wouldn't mind having a confrontation with Dixie. After all, he is an independent contractor and wants to be associated with the person at the top.

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