

mardi 26 novembre 2013

Mr Olympia, Phil Heath intéressé par la TNA ou pour la WWE?

Source: TNAsylum, rédacteur JSO.

Récemment, Mr Olympia a été interviewé pour le THE RCWR SHOW
Brièvement, il y parle de son expérience lors de Turning Point. Il a adoré travaillé avec les Bro Mans qu'il trouve formidable.
Il évoque sa rencontre avec le dieu du catch Kurt Angle qui apprécierait de le voir plus souvent à la fédération.
Il explique avoir pu rencontrer des stars de la TNA grâce à Flex Magazine et qu'il est réellement fan de catch.
Il explique que les gars de la TNA ont été adorables avec lui et qu'il souhaite y retourner.
Il termine son interview (tout du moins le résumé proposé) en expliquant qu'il souhaite être loyal à la TNA mais si la WWE lui fait une offre, il la prendra en considération et pour orienter sa carrière de la meilleure façon possible.

En gros, il fait clairement des appels à la TNA-->recontactez moi svp...

Voici le résumé anglais proposé par le site TNAsylum:

 "Mr. Olympia" Phil Heath spoke with Lee Sanders of The RCWR Show about a variety of topics including his recent involvement with the Bro Mans.

You were at TNA Turning Point, is that correct?
"Yeah, I was in Orlando a couple of days ago. It was really good, it was really neat to go behind the scenes and kinda watch again what these amazing athletes get to do in that ring. It was awesome, and I was able to do some video content for Spike that will be used at a later date and also for Impact Wrestling and TNA's online presence, so I’m starting to do more stuff with the Bro-Mans, and you know, I really like working with the Bro-Mans. Those guys are just awesome, and to know that these guys enjoy lifting weights, you know they get a kick out of posing and stuff, you know, we worked together really really well, and being around those guys and also some of the other athletes, some of the other wrestlers.

"They see me in there and I saw Kurt Angle and he’s like God to guys like me because he’s an athlete and he did wrestling as well and he’s got a huge following. To have him come up to me and say "Hey Mr. Heath, how you doing?" Him going out of his way to say hello and acknowledge me as a champion was just like…..I mean, nah, you’re the legend….you know, it’s just great to be a part of it. Now all of them are like buzzing around backstage saying, are you gonna be coming back next week, or next month? Are they gonna put you in the script and I said, I don’t know, we’ll see, we’ll see. I hope so. I hope in some way, in some capacity, I’d love to be a part of it."

How long have you been checking out TNA? Has it been a good while or recently?
"It’s been most recent. In FLEX Magazine we had a couple of girls (from TNA) in there that were featured in the FLEX Magazine and I was like, wow, they actually work out. Let me see these guys and stuff too and I started seeing some of the guys in other magazines and I thought, ha, I wonder if there’s a way I can go and watch this and guys from Weider, FLEX Magazine, they managed to organize that first appearance that I did and let me tell ya, I mean, I’m a fan of what they do in that ring, I mean it’s incredible. And I got to live the dream. The first wrestling match I ever went to was at The King Dome in Seattle, Washington, back in the early nineties. I get to see Andre The Giant go against Ultimate Warrior, Koko B. Ware ware go against Honky Tonk Man, Hercules go against Virgil and Rick Flair, I mean, all these guys you know, Super Fly, Jimmy Snuka and all that stuff and I just thought it would be really cool if I can one day see that really up close and I had that opportunity a month ago.

"To be in it, even talking to you guys, I can only imagine what the future lies ahead and I just hope that in some capacity I can be involved and have some fun and increase my likeness as well, you know? A lot of my fans are cross-compatible, from body building to pro-wrestling. I met some pro-wrestling fans just the other night that said to me, "are you going to be involved in the script, are you gonna be involved?" I said, "man, let’s just cross our fingers and see what happens." But I can tell you this, it won’t be the last time you guys see me. The guys at TNA are just amazing, they've been very hospitable to me and the guys at FLEX Magazine and it’s been a great partnership."

That’s good to hear. So, are you interested in being a professional wrestler? Is that something you would give strong consideration to?
"I would give a strong consideration to it primarily because I have seen what these guys have done and I’m just huge into fitness and huge into the excitement. It like you wanna be a part of it. Like for me to be ringside and to be with the Bro-Mans and watch what they do, I just thought to myself, how can I get into this, how can I get into this? So, as of right now, I have my own industry to hold as being an ambassador of bodybuilding, that’s a huge responsibility. So for me to drop that and go right into pro-wrestling would not be wise as of right now, but it doesn't mean that I can’t have some nice small cameos and maybe get involved a little bit, you know. I’m not too sure if my sponsors will allow me to do a few bumps, but maybe there’s something else I can get going, you know?

"I wouldn't mind getting hit in the face by one of these guys or me tackling another dude. Outside of that ring I can help the Bro-Mans win again, make it a controversial win or something, who knows, maybe I can hit someone with a chair, you know, but, the sky is the limit. I’m open to any suggestion and any opportunity. I’m not gonna turn my head and say, you know, I’m just a bodybuilder. You know, I’m always going to be Mr. Olympia, but you know there are always other things that strike my interest and this is one of them."

So, if and when the time comes to pursue a career as a pro-wrestler, is TNA the promotion that you’re gonna be going with or do you have others in mind?

"I mean, obviously there are other federations and stuff and it still early to even digest that, let alone make a decision cause there’s really no offer on the table at the moment, to be honest. So just like any business deal I have ever done, the best is to weigh all the options out, but I can say that I’m one of those guys that’s pretty loyal so the people that get at me first are usually the ones that I end up with because they show the interest and they show the excitement and I can tell you that the guys over at TNA have been, open arms with me. They are like, you got a home here you know, come hang out with us and stuff like that and I thought, why wouldn't I give that high consideration? Lets just throw it out there.

"If WWE call tomorrow, I’d easily just listen and see what the best move for my life would be but at the same time I would definitely be loyal to those guys over at TNA because they've been nice to me and I really value that. But, who knows, like I said before, I’m up for anything and every opportunity presents itself for a reason and I can tell you this, regardless of where I go I’m gonna do my best to give the fans a good show and that’s what it’s all about. To give these fans something special and keep flexing my biceps in a different way."

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