

samedi 14 décembre 2013

Matt Hardy donne un conseil à la TNA !

Source: THE RCWR SHOW et TNAinsider.

Récemment interviewé par Lee Sanders pour le RCWR Show, Matt Hardy a évoqué la TNA, voici un résumé de ce qu'il y dit:

 On TNA rumored to be up for sale:

" It’s one of those things I think where there's a lack of evidence to the information that's trustable online and one of the drawbacks is sometimes rumors run rampant. And this coming from me as an outside perspective with just a little bit of knowledge from the friends I have there and you know my brother, I really hear those rumors have been greatly exaggerated in many ways. I think TNA was smart to come off the road because they weren’t drawing a full house . They weren’t attracting enough viewers to justify the price it took to fly all their production people out there, the price it took to fly all the guys out there on a constant basis. So I think for them they have to be financially savvy, to continue to grow as a company, no ifs, ands or buts about it. To me I think TNA is going back, they are kind of resetting, re-establishing what they’re doing, they're taking a new direction for the future and the business needs TNA to survive, they need to survive, they need to be good. Not only is it an alternative for the fans but it also gives all the boys and girls someplace else to work so I mean I wish nothing but the best for TNA and Dixie Carter, she’s been great to me. I have nothing but good things to say about her. So I hope TNA succeeds as it's not about direct competition with the WWE but needing an alternative product. Anything else that’s just different or cutting edge or something that gives the fans something different to watch besides WWE is truly important for the wrestling industry."

Sur les rumeurs de ventes de la TNA:
En gros, il dit qu'il y a un manque évident de preuve, que c'est une rumeur. Ce n'est que son point de vue d'une personne qui a de nombreux amis qui travaillent à la TNA. Il a entendu les rumeurs et pensent que la fédération va prendre une nouvelle direction. Ils ont bien fait de quitter la route puisqu'ils ne remplissaient pas les salles. Il croit que la fédé va faire un retour vers le passé, reposer des bases solides. Il leur souhaite de survivre, du succès à Dixie qui a été géniale avec lui. Il espère que la TNA puisse avoir du succès, être une alternative à la WWE, pour les fans et les lutteurs.

Any advice he would give the current creative team:
"The first thing I would say to TNA is with your story telling and the personas and characters you are are telling stories for TV, be sophisticated. Make sure there’s continuity in every story you’re telling because the viewers are more intelligent in 2013 than they’ve ever been. There is so much information accessible to everyone who watches wrestling on TV. You can go online, you can Google anything. You can find out everything. So when you’re on there and you’re portraying a story of these two characters that are wrestling and ultimately it is good vs evil, you know, it is bad vs the hero and in this era of golden TV with shows like Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, whatever the show is, wrestling repeats are bad which is good storytelling. You have a specific universe. Walking dead, there’s a walking dead universe where zombies live, you know but the show sets up parameters and they give you rules and guidelines and you know kinda what the extent of the cast can be, and everything makes sense. Sure viewers watching it know this is a fictional show but as long as everything makes sense, there is continuity they enjoy it. Because viewers want to be entertained, That translates totally over into the wrestling business and it's been tied to the wrestling business for so long that it's just been like—well it's just wrestling. We can either throw this out or forget about this, lets drop this storyline or lets not let this guy go away, what about the fans? They’ll forget about it, they’ll forget about it. You cannot insult the wrestling fans intelligence because they are smarter now than they were then. So professional wrestling, my advice to TNA would be make your stories as strong as possible and make sure there’s continuity. Don’t insult the viewer’s intelligence.
Un conseil à donner à l'équipe créative :
beaucoup de blabla pour au final dire: "Construisez correctement vos storylines, de la meilleure façon possible et avec de la continuité. N'insultez pas l'intelligence des personnes vous regardant."

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